Company Registration: How to Get Company Registration in India?
How to get company registration in India? Registering your company below the right business structure is a significant decision. Find out the pros and cons of various structures. Choosing the structure of the right company for your business is as significant as any other activity of business-related. The right business structure will allow your business to operate efficiently and meet your required business targets. In India, each business must register themselves as part of the compulsory judicial compliance. Before we learn how to register a company, let’s try and understand the kinds of business structures in India. What are the Kinds of business structures in India? Let’s try and know the kinds of business structures accessible in India. Here is a list of some of them: 1. One Person Company (OPC) 2. Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) 3. Private Limited Company Registration (PLC) 4. Public Limited Company (PLC) How to choose the right business structure...